Salam,Oya guys!Neh aja nak langsaikan hutang TAG aja dari adik aya.Aya neh aja kenal melalui Saida FC.N juga TAG dari adik syuhada.2-2TAG cam same je.Tapi takpe,aja wat jela.Maap akak baru wat ea adik2.Pdahal dah wat lame dah.Tapi aja duk peram lam draft dari 9hb aG.heee.Thanks for tagging me dik!muaaahx!
1-Link to ur tagger and post these rules on ur blog
1-Link to ur tagger and post these rules on ur blog
- Tagged by adik syuhada
- sensitive,friendly,honest,hot temper.
- lurv pink colour very much.
- loyal in friendship n relationship.
- myblog's my'maya' diarys n im typing about myreal lifes N it comes sincere from bottom of myheart.
- i lurv myreaders alot!<3.xoxo.
- easily crying witout no reason.
- hard to sleep when im was 2 tired.
3-Tag 7 people at the end of ur post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
- tak tewase nak TAG sesape.baikkan aja neh?eke3.
1. Each blogger must post these rules first. 2. Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment, telling them that they’ve been tagged, and to read your blognothing interesting bout me.
1-7.seperti diatas.
8.chubby person n lurv to eat N eat alot!ha3
ok,im done mydearist lit sis!;))
TC N bUbye 4NOW.
Nota HAILA;Eh,kengantokan.Tapi tak pat tido.Manyak nak update.Tapi kemalasan.Manyak tapi tol.ngeee.
Lots of lurv,